We reserve same day appointments for established patients. We welcome new patients for same day acute care if appointment space is available.
Cancellation Policy
All appointments require a 24 hour cancellation notice. This allows us to see patients that otherwise would not have been able to schedule an appointment. If a 24 hour notice is not given, a cancellation fee of $50.00 will be charged. Patients who repeatedly miss appointments may be dismissed from the practice.
On Call/After Hours Policy
We have 24/7 coverage for all established patients. For emergencies, always call 911. For other urgent matters, you may call the office at (386) 860-2600 to reach the provider on call. Please do not call with routine or non-urgent inquiries. We do not fill prescriptions after business hours. If a provider has not returned your call within 20 minutes, please try again.
Prescription Refills
Please make sure you have enough refills of your medication between follow-up office visits. Our office will not refill medications at night or on the weekend unless it is an urgent situation. Please plan ahead so you will not run out of medication. When calling the office for refill requests it may take up to 48 hours to process your request, please allow sufficient time. Please bring all of your prescription and over the counter medications or an updated list of them to every office visit. Any controlled prescriptions will NOT be called in under any circumstance.
Care Management
Our staff will make every effort to return your online requests. This is not for emergencies or same day requests. Please understand that our medical staff is busy assisting the providers and scheduled patients.
Payment Policy
If you are responsible for a copayment, coinsurance, deductible or entire balance, you will be required to pay at the time services are rendered. For your convenience we accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, check and cash.